About Academia Orphica

Academia Orphica is a Creative “Workshop” in which various cultural and art genres and forms are combined as bearers of the supreme ideas and realities, rooted in the nature of our existence, as existential contents that cultivate, ennoble and give meaning to space and time. The public and social demands require that the eternal and innermost longings of every human being for Beauty, Truth and internal Light be satisfied.


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The Academia Orphica Association periodically organizes trips to ancient Thracian sanctuaries, which include reenactments of the ancient Thracian Rituals of Creation…

Исоти - Албум Тракийски еподи - Арт-Формация Орфика

Academia Orphica produced the album ‘Issoty’ by Art-Group Orphica.

Конници - плакат

А h(i)erophany from the farther shores of the upper land.

Тракийсият Орфизъм 1 за Напреднали - плакат

The Thracian Orphism is still alive today. His origin is from Eternity until Eternity. As living tools of Wisdom the ancient priests of the Orphic Art “embodied” the worlds of the Sacred and sublime…

Тракийска Мистерийна Драма - Академия Орфика

Following the Thracian Tradition, during the ancient Thracian feasts and festivals, the Sacred Mystery Rites of Thrace were performed – a reenactment of the Creation of the Upper, Middle and Lower Land by the power of the Divine Word of God, His Birth, Sacrifice, and Victorious Resurrection…

Тракийска Мистерийна Драма - банер

The Movie The Thracian Mystery Rites Drama consists of authentic documentary footage of live performances during festivals of ancient Thrace in Bulgaria.