The official Sofia premiere of the film Thracian Mystery Rites Drama, based on documentary footage of live performances during festivals of Thracian culture in Bulgaria, took place at the Odeon State Cinema on 30. November 2006 at 7 p.m. The premiere was organized by Academia Orphica with the kind assistance of Metro Media as a media partner.
The film was welcomed with a great interest by a large audience that included representatives of the Bulgarian social and cultural elite as well as of cultural circles from France, Estonia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and others. The Odeon cinema theatre, emblematic for all cinema fans and lovers of highly artistic and conceptual, non-mercantile films, was literally overcrowded with spectators.
Before the film was shown, the hostess – the actress Petya Abadzhieva – introduced the audience to the cultural and historical context of the film, and immediately after its end, she invited the director and producer Mr. Tsvetan Gaidarski (Director of Academia Orphica) and the director of choreography Mrs. Nina Tomashova-Ivanova to talk about the film. They told about the sources of information and inspiration for them, as well as about the many discoveries and artifacts that constituted the basis for the creation of this original and innovative work of art, unprecedented and unmatched in the documentary cinema history.
After the event, there was a cocktail party, organized by Academia Orphica, and the spectators were invited to a glass of ‘the fruit of the vine’, as the hostess put it, in unison with the Thracian rite and tradition.
Other comments about the event:
“The Thracian Mystery Rites Drama” in Bulgarian National Filmotheque